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"Finding the definition of facial contour."
The bichectomy is a minimal cosmetic surgery that seeks to improve the facial features, decreasing the size of the cheeks and for this, an incision is made inside the mouth to get the fat bags located on each side and thus reduce the thickness of the face, having immediate effects.
Bichat's Bags
Bichat balls or bags are a pair of bags made of fat that are in the area of the cheeks, having one on each side to a normal volume of 10 cc. One of the main functions of the bags is to smooth the movement between the muscles in charge of chewing and sucking. They are believed to be important during the breastfeeding process. This explains why they are so prominent in infants and are lost over the years.
The larger the bag of Bichat, the rounder and cheekier the face will be.
One of the main functions of the bags is to smooth the movement between the muscles responsible for chewing and sucking. They are believed to be important during the breastfeeding process. This explains why they are so prominent in infants and are lost over the years.
However, with all its small size, these fat bags are the ones that make up the space of the middle and lower part of the face giving it a more rounded appearance.
By removing the Bichat balls through cosmetic surgery, the goal is to have a marked rejuvenation effect, coupled with the desire to improve the jovial quality of the face, in just seconds. After the bichectomy technique, an excellent aesthetic aspect is achieved, leaving a wide facial harmony visible.
The Surgery
The aesthetic surgery known as bichectomy, has two ways of extraction that the doctor can approach, according to his anatomical knowledge in relation to the patient. It can be done from an external entrance with a Face Lift but has more complications due to its proximity to the facial nerve.
The other way of extracting the fat balls is by means of the internal approach, which is the most recommended given that the fat appears by means of a much softer traction than the other method, through a gingival incision at the height of the second premolar, removing the bags in order to finish the intervention, often without requiring sutures.
After the bichectomy surgery, the patient must consolidate the care of the aesthetic treatment, maintaining for a couple of hours the compression bandage that the surgeon will have placed respectively in the area, with these bandages, the probability of hematomas is reduced, in addition to being able to reduce the inflammation that by itself generates this treatment.
Similarly, the postoperative process will require the patient to sleep with the head raised to reduce inflammation and avoid painful movements.
In the following days, it is advisable to constantly apply cold bands on the face, specifically on the injured area of the cheeks. You may notice the extensive swelling that stands out in this area but usually lasts from 7 to 10 days or less.
Home care plus the intake of anti-inflammatory drugs is essential to alleviate the symptoms left by this aesthetic treatment, in addition to the antibiotics that are necessary as a prophylactic method of skin infections.
From the first postoperative day, the patient must follow a special diet abundant in liquids exclusively indicated by the doctor who is one of the collaborating aspects with the recovery time until the time is estimated to introduce soft foods and complete diet.
Within the contraindications that the bichectomy technique prescribes, the state of health, age, as well as other factors that may prevent the development of an intervention without complications are mentioned in many cases.
Patients with a history of smoking should be omitted from facial cosmetic surgery, since the healing process is considerably reduced. Also the chronic consumers of aspirin, since it reduces the blood coagulation, allowing the delay in the healing and even in the intervention.
At the same time it is contraindicated in patients with low protein intake, since the reintegration process after the operation will be much slower than normal, also weakening the immune system.
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