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"The best result in breast augmentation depends on using the best techniques and the type of implants depending on the anatomy of each woman as well as the quality of them.
General Overview
Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgery that is performed to increase the size of the breasts. It involves placing breast implants under the breast tissue or chest muscles.
For some women, breast augmentation is a way to improve their confidence. For others, it is part of breast reconstruction due to various diseases.
Breast augmentation, or breast augmentation, is one of the most performed surgeries in Deep Perfection, patients come from other countries as well as the rest of the republic, aware of our good results in breast augmentation, with the aim of changing the shape and size of their breasts. The natural results are the best sample of the meticulousness and quality with which we develop the whole process of this intervention.
Why it is performed?
The female breast presents great differences from one woman to another, ranging from its conformation to size, hardness, symmetry, position, width, height, etc.. These differences also mean that the reasons why a woman requests breast augmentation surgery are not the same for each patient. Each case of breast augmentation is unique and special, and seeks a different and unique goal, so each planning must be individualized.
The motivations why a woman decides to undergo breast augmentation in Deep Perfection can be summarized in the following three sections:
- To improve the contour and mammary volume of women who, for personal reasons, consider their breasts of small volume.
- Correct loss of breast volume after pregnancy or weight loss.
- Correct mammary asymmetries or mammary deformities such as tuberous breasts.
A breast augmentation involves different risks, for example:
Scar tissue that distorts the shape of the breast implant (capsule contracture).
Breast pain.
Changes in sensitivity of nipples and breasts.
Loss or rupture of the implant.
Solving these complications could involve a new surgery, either to remove or replace the implants.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has identified a possible association between breast implants and the development of anaplastic large cell lymphoma associated with breast implants, a rare cancer of the immune system. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) believes that women with breast implants may have a low but increased risk of developing anaplastic large-cell lymphoma. However, more research is needed to fully understand the relationship between anaplastic large cell lymphoma and breast implants.
How to prepare yourself
You will have a consultation with your Aesthetic surgeon to discuss your preferences for breast size, sensation and appearance. The surgeon will describe specific types of implants (smooth or textured, round or drop-shaped, saline or silicone) and possible surgical techniques.
Carefully review written information, such as patient information provided by the manufacturer of the implant you will receive, and keep copies for your records.
Before you decide to have surgery, consider the following:
Breast implants will not prevent your breasts from sagging. To correct sagging breasts, you may need to have a breast lift in addition to breast augmentation.
There is no guarantee that breast implants will last forever. The average lifespan of an implant is 10 to 15 years. In addition, breasts will continue to age and factors such as weight gain or loss may change the appearance of the breasts. These problems will likely lead to more surgeries.
Getting mammograms may be more complicated. If you have breast implants, in addition to routine mammograms, you will need additional specialized checkups.
Breast implants can make it harder to breastfeed. Some people are able to successfully breastfeed after breast augmentation. For others, however, breastfeeding is a challenge.
You may need additional surgery after breast implants are removed. If you decide to have your implants removed, you may need to have a breast lift or other corrective surgery to help restore the appearance of your breasts.
You may need to have an MRI. The FDA recommends routine MRI monitoring after three years. However, recent studies show that there is little information to support routine screening unless you have symptoms.
You may need to have a basal mammogram before surgery. Your doctor may also adjust the dose of certain medications before surgery. For example, it is important to avoid aspirin or other medications that can increase bleeding.
If you smoke, your doctor will ask you to stop for a certain amount of time before surgery.
Arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery and stay with you at least the first night.
What to Expect
Breast augmentation can be performed in a surgical center or in an outpatient hospital. You are likely to return home the same day. Rarely, the procedure requires hospitalization.
Sometimes the breast augmentation is performed under local anesthesia, which means that the breast area is numbed while you are awake. However, breast augmentation is usually performed under general anesthesia, with which you remain asleep during surgery.
During the procedure
To place the breast implant, the surgeon makes a single cut (incision) in one of three possible places:
In the fold below the breast (submammary)
Under the arm (axillary)
Under the nipple (periareolar)
After the incision is made, the surgeon will separate the breast tissue from the muscles and connective tissue of the chest. This creates a pocket behind or in front of the outer muscle of the chest wall (pectoral muscle). Your surgeon will place the implant into this pocket and center it behind your nipple.
The saline implants are placed empty and once they are in place they are filled with sterile saline. Silicone implants are pre-filled with silicone gel.
When the implant is in place, the surgeon will close the incision, usually with stitches (sutures), and place a bandage with adhesive strips for skin closure and surgical tape.
After the procedure
You may feel pain and swelling for a few weeks after surgery. You may also have bruising. Scars will fade over time, but they won't disappear completely.
During recovery, it may be helpful to wear a compression bandage or a sports bra for extra support and to keep breast implants in place. Your surgeon may also prescribe pain medication.
Follow your surgeon's instructions about when to resume normal activities. If you don't have a physically demanding job, you may be able to return to work in a few weeks. Avoid strenuous activities, that is, anything that can increase your heart rate or blood pressure, for at least two weeks. During recovery, remember that your breasts will be sensitive to physical contact or sudden movements.
If your surgeon used sutures that are not absorbed on their own or placed drainage tubes near your breasts, you will need to attend a follow-up consultation for removal.
If you feel warmth or redness in your breast, or if you have a fever, you may have an infection. Contact your surgeon as soon as possible. You should also contact your surgeon if you have shortness of breath or chest pain.
Breast augmentation can change the size and shape of the breasts. Surgery may improve your body image and self-esteem. However, have realistic expectations and don't expect perfection.
Also, breasts will continue to age after augmentation. Also, weight gain or loss could change the look of your breasts. If you don't feel comfortable with how your breasts look, you may need more surgery to correct those issues.
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